The problem statement is here.


Changing the value in the Seed field will generate the corresponding input to the Input field.
Pressing the Download button will download the inputs for seed values seed, seed+1, ..., seed+#cases-1 at once.

By running your program locally against the generated input and pasting the output of your program into the Output field, the visualization results will be displayed.
The upward corresponds to the forward direction and the downward corresponds to the backward direction.
The last placed piece of candy is surrounded by a red square.
The next field at the bottom of the page shows the candies that will be placed in the next and subsequent turns, in order from left to right.
Pressing the ▶ button starts animation.
By pressing the Save as PNG or Save as Animation GIF button, you can download the visualization results.

Checking the "manual mode" checkbox allows you to play manually using ←↑↓→ keys.
Pressing the Backspace key cancels the last operation.



Seed 欄の値を変えると対応する入力が Input 欄に生成されます。
Download ボタンを押すと、シード値が seed, seed+1, ..., seed+#cases-1 に対応する入力を一括ダウンロード出来ます。

生成された入力に対して解答プログラムをローカル実行し、プログラムの出力を Output 欄に貼り付けると、ビジュアライズ結果が表示されます。
▶ ボタンを押すと、アニメーションが開始します。
Save as PNG や Save as Animation GIF ボタンを押すと、ビジュアライズ結果のダウンロードが出来ます。

manual mode にチェックを入れると ←↑↓→ キーを用いて手動で遊ぶことが出来ます。